Delhi Shopping: Purchasing some kurtas
Slightly crowded, but was a good choice. I am talking about a place called Jagatpuri. How do you reach this place ? When you are on your way from Preet Vihar to Anand Vihar on Vikas Marg, you reach a place with a major red light and where a flyover can be seen perpendicular to your direction. This is called Karkari mod. Take a left over here, and at the second major red light, take a left and you are in Jagatpuri (incidentally, on this road, you will find a number of shops that cater to all aspects of house construction - cement, stone, paint, light fixtures, wood, etc). Once at the red light, take a left and you are now in some sort of clothes market. You will find a wide variety of clothes shops over here, a pretty useful place to go to. I bought some excellent kurtas at one-third the price from a place called Haryana Emporium.
Labels: Clothes, Delhi, Shopping
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